Who Was Nikola Tesla? book cover
  • Science
  • Entrepreneurs / Inventors

Who Was Nikola Tesla?

An inventor who once worked with Thomas Edison
An engineer whose experiments with electricity, X-rays, remote control, and wireless communication changed the world
One of the most brilliant and influential scientists of all time

Get ready for the electrifying biography of Nikola Tesla–part creative genius, part mad scientist, and 100% innovator.

When Nikola Tesla arrived in the United States in 1884, he didn’t have much money, but he did have a letter of introduction to renowned inventor Thomas Edison. The working relationship between the two men was short lived, though, and the two scientist-inventors became harsh competitors. One of the most influential scientists of all time, Nikola Tesla is celebrated for his experiments in electricity, X-rays, remote controls, and wireless communications. His invention of the Tesla coil was instrumental in the development of radio technology.

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