Graphic Novels

WHO HQ Graphic Novels invite readers to immerse themselves in the lives of historical figures with gripping narratives and vivid full-color illustrations that fly off the page.

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who was raised to be the queen of france?: marie antoinette
who smashed hollywood barriers with gung fu?: bruce lee
what made california the golden state?: life during the gold rush
who was her own work of art?: frida kahlo
who was accused in the salem witch trials?: tituba
who is tibet’s exiled leader?: the 14th dalai lama
who is the man in the air?: michael jordan
who was a daring pioneer of the skies?: amelia earhart
who was the greatest?: muhammad ali
what was the turning point of the civil war?: alfred waud goes to gettysburg
who was the voice of the people?: cesar chavez
who was the girl warrior of france?: joan of arc
who was the first man on the moon?: neil armstrong
who sparked the montgomery bus boycott?: rosa parks

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Activity Sheets

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